

With the rapid development of science and technology, munication methods of people have changed a lot. In the long history of the past, people municated with people who were far from them only by letters, which took a very long time to get the messag..

娇喘娇喘经典台词【求文档: 男生如何追女生经典对白】

求文档: 男生如何追女生经典对白第一步:约会时偷带一毛毛虫,趁他不备时放在地上,惊叫一声,迅速扑到他怀里,侧低着头,全身发抖,娇喘咻咻,最好再来两句“我好怕!”和“吓死我啦!”之类的废话。 注意: 1、毛毛虫一定要活。以免效果不够真。 2、惊叫时一定要看..