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After I read the news, I felt very excited. Lei Feng was a good example all the young people in our

country learned from in the 1960s and 1970s. But these years people seem to have given up the ideas of Lei Feng. they don't care about public interests and never think for others. All these have done GRE at harm to the society.

Now, we students have realized the seriousness of the problem, and have decided to learn from Lei Feng. We are glad that Lei Feng has e back again.


  • 搞笑小品剧本《活着的雷锋》校园版
  • 小品剧本:关于雷锋精神的小品剧本《如此雷锋》(雷锋纪念日七人
  • 7人雷锋精神小品剧本台词《如此雷锋》
  • 小品剧本台词 《我是雷锋我怕啥》
  • 涂松岩宋轶李倩《离开雷锋的日子》台词剧本
  • 触碰心灵的台词图片【哪一句都能让我们受益终身?】
  • 路人甲经典台词【就是那个我们形同陌路的那个】
  • 无耻之徒经典台词截图【 一起回到我们过去的生活是件】
  • 我家买了动物园经典台词【海底总动员英文台词、我们要比赛急用?】
  • 西部世界经典台词截图【美剧《西部世界》告诉我们哪些道理?】
  • 发表评论
