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Many years ago, I saw a science fiction film, which described a future world. The way people lived was very different. They could drive cars in the sky. Everything in the future world was so convenient. Since then, I was always curious about how the future world would bee. The fling cars seemed so ridiculous for now, but thinking about more than 100 years ago, people never thought about flying in the sky, but now we could take planes and traveled around the world. Everything was possible. What's more, the development of technology is so fast that the world changes so much every ten years. Nowadays, people can pay the bill online. No matter where they go, a cell phone can solve most problems. I believe that future transportation will be much efficient and will surprise us all.许多年前,我看了一部科幻电影,描述了一个未来的世界。人们的生活方式很不一样,他们可以在天空中开飞车。未来世界的一切都是那么的方便。从那时起,我一直好奇未来世界会变成怎么样。飞行汽车似乎很荒谬,但想想100多年前,我们从来不敢幻想在天上飞,但现在我们可以坐飞机周游世界。一切都是有可能的。而且技术的发展是那么的快,每十年世界就变化很多。如今,人们可以在网上支付账单,无论去到哪里,手机都可以解决大多数问题。我相信,未来的交通将会更加有效率,也会让我们所有人都大吃一惊。


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