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Desperate Housewives S05E01

It will happen to all of us eventually the moment will come when we ask ourselves. Where did the time go? How did the children I once cradled grow up so very quickly? How did the life I dreamt of turn into a career I never expected? And how did that woman I saw each day in the mirror become someone I don’t even recognize?

It goes by so quickly. In a flash, the life wo knew is gone forever. And we’re left to ask ourselves. How could he have left me? When did my beauty start to fade? Why has my friend changed? Was I the best mother I could have been?

Of course, there are some people who understand how quickly time passes. That’s why they’re so determined to get what they want before it’s too late.




Desperate Housewives S05E02

If there is one thing everyone in suburbia can appreciate. It’s a good neighbor. You know, the kind that helps with the last bag of groceries, or brings over misplaced mail, or offers to mow your lawn.

Yes, everyone appreciates a good neighbor. The kind that helps with the last bag of groceries, but doesn’t ask, “Why is your son so moody?” The type that delivers misplaced mail, but doesn’t point your wife seems discontented. The sort that offers to mow your lawn, but doesn’t mention your husband seems cold. But if you’re not sure the man next door is as nice as he would have you believe. Do everything you can to get to know him better.



Desperate Housewives S05E03

Any child will tell you that where you find a playground you will also find bullies. Young tyrants who bring pain, intimidation, and violence. What can children do in the face of such torment? Well, there is one obvious option. But not every child is eager to go running home to mother.

Bullies. Any adult will tell you the playground is not the only place to find them. Everywhere you look, you can find people unconcerned or unaware of the pain they inflict. It might be a neighbor preying on the suspicions of her friend. Or a daughter punishing the choices of her mother. Or a housewife seeking justice from the man who sold her a car.

Yes, there are bullies everywhere. And the worst are he ones who take advantage of you without you ever knowing what they’ve done.




Desperate Housewives S05E04

If you look closely into the faces of your friends, you will see it. Right behind their smiles, you will see a certain Green-eyes monster. And the you’ll understand how envious they are of your well-kept home, you delious food, and yourasteful ssessions. But you’ll have to work hard to see the jealousy. Because good friends always work hard to hide it.

If you look closely into the face of those around you. You will catch a glimpse of a certain Green-eyed monster. And then you’ll see they envy your career, you love life, the time you spend with their child. How do you deal with such jealousy? There many ways, but the best is to simply share what you have.



Desperate Housewives S05E05

Yes, it was a night filled with surprises. Some had learned of their husband’s plans for the futhure. Others had discovered the truth of their wife’s past. Some were touched by their husband’s secret longings. Others were hurt by their lovers quick departure. But for one resident, the evening had gone as planned. And he now turned his thoughts to his real agenda. It woulden’t be long now before he destroyed the man who had ruined his life. But he knew he had to move carefully. After all, he wanted it to be a surprise.

没错,这是一个充满惊喜的夜晚.有人知道了丈夫对未来的计划,有人发现了妻子的过去,有人被丈夫的渴望所打动,有人被情人的匆匆离去所伤害. 但对某一个人来说,这个夜晚正按着他的计划进行着,现在他可以全身心投入他真正的计划了.用不了多久,他就可以毁掉那个毁了他生活的人.但是他知道他要小心的进行.毕竟他希望这一切是个惊喜.

Desperate Housewives S05E07

Desire. It’s an emotion designed to lead us astray. Causing us to buy things we can’t afford…Encouraging us to sample desserts we don’t need. And pushing us into love affairs we’re cleary not ready for.

Desire. It’s an emotion designed to lead us astray. Persuading those who crave love to make foolish choices…Causing those who yearn for family to act out in anger. Allowing those who are lonely to behave in reckless ways. And when the pursuit of our heart’s desire becomes an obsession. The best we can hope for is a caring friend willing to come along…And stop us.



(Susan看见Jackson为她画的那幅画的时候, Jackson说的一段话.很感人. )

I know a lot about you. I know your cheeks get red when people say you’re pretty. I know that your eyes start to tear up whenever you talk about your grandfather. And I know that when you’re really sad, you get that beautiful, haunted look. That you try to shake off before anybody can see it.


Desperate Housewives S05E11

There are important events in the history of every family. Joyous births, tragic deaths,sublime weddings. But the one event every family dreads is the moment when they finally meet the in-laws.

Yes. There are important events in the history of every family. Meeting the in-laws is one. The moment you decide to hate them is another.


There’s a lovely home for everyone in suburbia. And a realtor eager to find you exactly what you want. Whether it’s something warm and cozy. Or something dignified and elegant. Or perhaps something affordable with a porch. Yes. Everyone wants a home with a lovely exterior. Mostly so the neighbors will never suspect the ugliness going on inside.


Everyone needs a lovely home in suburbia. Mostly so the neighbors will never suspect what’s going on inside. Behind these freshly painted walls you will find. Parents wracked with guilt. Wives tired of srtuggling. Lovers who have been lied to. Yes. everybody needs a lovely home in suburbia. If for no other reason than to have a place to come home to.


Desperate Housewives S05E12

At 9:02 the next morning. Edie Williams began calling her friends to let them know something humiliating had happened to her. By 9:06, her friends had begun to arrive. Just so they could hear the juicy details.


At 5:15 that afernoon. Edie Williams began calling her friends to inform them that her husband had come home. Sadly, she never got through to any of them. Gabrielle never picked up, she was too busy watching her children being told they had to obey their mother. And trying not to smile. Lynette wasn’t home when Edie called. She was with her mother laughing and sharing stories about the old days. And enjoy every minute of it. Bree was outside showing her future son in law color samples for the home she had bought him, and smiling politely when they disagreed. And Susan, well, she didn’t answered because she was sitting in her favourite chair with a cup of tea. Learning to enjoy the first time in her life what is was like to be alone.

下午五点十五分. 伊迪威廉姆斯开始给她的朋友打电话告诉她们她的丈夫回家了.不幸的是她一个也没打通.加布丽尔压根没接电话. 她忙着看着她的孩子们被教育说要听妈妈的话.还要尽量憋住笑容.伊迪打来时勒奈特不在家.她跟她母亲在一起欢笑着分享过去的旧时光.享受这一刻的每分每秒.布里出门给她的未来女婿看她为他买下房子的油漆样品去了.在他们发表不同意见时她友善的微笑.至于苏珊她没有接电话是因为她坐在心爱的椅子上喝着一杯茶.第一次学着享受生命中独自一人的时光.


fly off the handle 冒火,激动,死翘翘

我不知道什么是jump the kid




第一集: 夏尔 死者灵魂的真面目深埋地下 黑暗与沉默的世界 我只是如同孩子般追逐一只蝴蝶来到此地 永久的痛苦 无法逃避的绝望,渗入人的呼吸中 如果和相思已久的父母见面时 我该如何开口 久违地在大地上奔走 广泛收集东西洋数以千万的知识 「恶魔之脑」 甚至还有无法触及的终极公式 我寻求…其解 一切事物所能遵循的简单答案 幸福 生的幸福 永不会褪色的 完整的人类幸福 然而 那不稳定的蝴蝶翅膀振动数 却不停的让遗憾之事发生 生命变数嘲笑着人类的智慧 不让人靠近 流浪漂泊 无论再怎么想得到解答,贫困也决不会消亡 人类相互憎恶 受病痛之苦 哭喊着走向死亡 啊 夏尔 无慈悲的冥界之神 死亡的身影 请聆听我的声音吧 请聆听可怜孩子的悲叹吧 被捕获的蝴蝶的尸骸 哪怕灰败残破 求的那一片翅膀 也要燃烧着生命 挣扎到底的人在此 看吧 咆哮的昆虫 再次展翅飞翔天空的样子 终于又要再现 向着沉没的夕阳残骸 化作耀眼的光芒 嘴角挂着微笑 英勇地张开翅膀 飞吧 绝望之蝶 第二集: 在众多河流的神话中 将冥界与现世连接 将该死之人与无情的众神分隔 以那沉重之水 试以起誓 女神微笑 允许在此停留 不会伤害任何人 祝福永恒的精神 奥林匹斯山上众神的生命永恒 并将此赐予人间 右手化为方向 左手化为闪电 乘于云上之人 最强的战士 大衮之子 巴力西卜之声回荡 巴力鸣响雷电之时 风为之颤抖 山野倾覆 大地摇晃 敌人依靠山野 逃入森林 惊慌失措地东奔西走 仓皇逃离 死神莫特的叫喊是为火焰 吐息是为死亡 森林不断燃烧 不知畏惧的战士 高举神圣之手 瞄准死神挥下 持续战斗着 号角之声传递 苍白的光芒耀眼 巴力的闪电 劈开天地吧 黑暗之云 腾升之云 愤怒之云 涡旋之云 风起云集 将干涸的天空所覆盖笼罩 这就是恐惧的力量 毁灭之物选择的力量 闭眼之间 毁灭一切世物 冥府之地 被光芒所照耀的不死的战士 敌人开始畏惧并呼唤此名 巴力西卜 第五集: 吾即破之 吾即是毁灭 无论何等炽烈的火焰都能隔绝开来的耐火之纹章 燃烧的黄金珠 请将弹药射向邪鬼们 在剑之波动 诚为影 妖为光 谨上渴望神明 为了重现光明 第七集: 支配者出现 与拥有勇气之人争斗的封印师 第九集: 比人请您赐教 先师是否乃汝之熟人 沉默站立着的20法老诏书 无论多少 穿过Dara'a 若北上耶卜鲁德 则可前往哈勒巴井 那片土地被称为瓦尔卡井 很久以前 以色列的贤者 名为苏莱曼之人 自愿受徒刑以换来 一千零一只的精灵 驱使精灵 创造出亿与万的奇迹 玛丽特 伊夫利特 谢坦尔 存在于长寿的精灵之中 曾静是守护与崇拜读书的精灵——卡比卡朱 只要发挥一次作用 将会引起源源不断的效应 豆象虫 蚜虫 衣鱼虫 涡虫 蛆虫 那些飞来飞去飞来飞去的虫子 卡比卡朱 保护这崩坏之书吧 第十一集: 回去吧 回到令人怀念的故乡去吧 等候着你的那片金色麦浪 这里没有天使的踪影 能与之互相倾诉的友人也随风消失了 在突击中的骑士身边 战女神莞尔一笑 快 回去吧 回到肮脏灵魂的故乡去吧 死骸嘲笑着鲜血硝烟之国 苦痛和狂气应运而生 向着令人怀念的战场 处于地上也仍绽放光芒的流星啊 赐予你成人的苦恼和孩童的恐惧吧 失去速度的英雄 融化于污浊大气之中 而后浮现于星海吧 落胆和战栗的双翼啊 曾经光芒万丈的星辰们去填满天际吧 梦想飞上天空的少年 骑士究竟来自何方 沉落于重力的深渊 或许是因为凝望着海鸥而成长吧 该死的恶魔 吾将化身为杀戮之刃 划破浮于苍穹中的绢之云 将沾满鲜血的双手罩于火上 向风询问歌谣的去处 飒爽成长在荒原之上 披着凶暴铠甲的蓟 为何它们要藏起柔软的绒毛 一旦飞舞于空中 就再也无法回到故乡的孩童们 被冷酷的风束缚住 直到踏上旅途的那天 第十二集: 月亮静静地诉说着 用谁也无法听到的声音 潮起潮落 失去的记忆光景 群星悄悄地记录着 用谁也无法解读的文字 无限的言语形成漩涡 孕育出千亿册书 对我而言 天空一望无垠 时间转瞬即逝 一无所知的空虚 语言的集合 只能在土中腐朽而去 即便如此 我也要呐喊 不明所以地呼喊 也要让喊声响彻天际 太阳终将升起吧 卑屈的黑暗回答道 没有人能预见未来 我将手伸向天空 抓住冷冽的风 将绝望吹散吧 梦想也好 苦恼也罢 将所有带向过去 在沉睡于地上的黎明之中 我将会继续前进 向着还未见到的明天


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