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lie to me的经典英文台词翻译(尽量翻译)


1. Really surprised expression fleeting, more than a second is pretend,

2. A liar is not like usual understanding that will avoid each other's eyes, instead more need eye contact to judge you whether believe what he says;

3. "have you ever been to her? No, I haven't been to her", to the question of curt repetition is the typical lie,

4. Men have under cavernous and touched the nose nose representative trying to hide some content;

5. Hand on eyebrow bone near said ashamed:

6. Describe a series of occurrence of affair, fabricated all is according to the time sequence, whether fluently accurately determine whether the other is lying flashbacks is one of the standard,

7. To the lower left eyeball narrative when watching, representing the brain in memory, what is true, But a lie need not recall process

8. Single shoulder when speaking words stirred up, expressed supremely confident, a liar neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations.

9. People fled in fear would appear physiological reaction --, blood from the legs (limbs backflow fled prepare well), so the surface temperature will drop hand,

10. Know perfectly well past ask when eyebrows diminutive rise;

11. If the other party to your query disdain, usually your query would be true,

12. Simper canthus is no wrinkles.

13. When facial expressions on both sides of asymmetric, extremely likely to their expression is pack out,

14. MaSha own hand, which is a kind of comfort performance. When you don't believe in your own words, so make themselves relieved,

15. Fucking think twice, typical equivocal,

16, with his hands clasped chest, step back - limb protest, explain his words are credible;

17. Hypocrisily won't have to blink.

18. In the criminal and arson rapist motives in striking similarities.

Remember, life would be more of a simple two --

19. Important is not whether he is lying, but why want to lie.

20. The truth and happy it may not be possible.





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