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In 2003, the horrible disease SARS attacked China and many people suffered from it and died. At that time, the news reported many nurses were infected, but they never gave up any patient.The public saw the great sacrifice of the nurses and they showed great respect to them. Every year, May 12th is the International Nurses Day, it reminds the public of the greatness of nurses. Indeed, thanks to them, patients get well treatment and recover soon. The founder of nurse major is a lady from England named Florence Nightingale. In the year 1854, she took 38 nurses to the war areas to save a lot of wounded lives. In 1860, she opened the first nursing school and passed the nursing knowledge to the world. Her contribution deserved being remembered all the time, so it is the most important meaning of Nursing Day.2003年,非典(SARS)侵袭中国,许多人因此而死亡。那时候,新闻报道了很多护士被感染,但是他们却从来都没有放弃任何一个病人。公众看到了护士们的巨大牺牲,对他们表示了极大的敬意。每年的5月12日是国际护士节,这个节日提醒了大家护士的伟大。事实上,多亏了他们,病人才能得到好的治疗,快速痊愈。护士这个专业的创始人是一位来自英国的女士,名叫弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔。在1854年,她带着38名护士来到战场,拯救了许多伤员的生命。1860年,她开办了第一所护理学校,并将护理知识传授给了世界。她的贡献是值得永远铭记的,这才是护士节最重要的意义。


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