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Since we have received education, we are told that drugs are horrible and they can destroy our life pletely. In the TV, the news reported the disasters that drugs would bring, but still there were so many young people had been seduced to take drugs. During recent years, some famous stars were caught by the policemen. They took drugs and brought the negative information to the public. As a result, their career was ended and they couldn't appear in the screen. The young people is the future of a country, but they are easy to be seduced by criminal behaviors. They want to try something new and go against the law. It is unwise to try drug, because it is hard to recover. Without strong will, life will be ruined. We should stay away from drugs.我们所接受的教育都是告知我们毒品是可怕的,它们可以彻底摧毁我们的生活。在电视上,新闻报道了毒品会带来的灾难,但仍然有很多年轻人被诱惑去吸毒。近年来,一些著名的明星因吸毒被警察抓住了,也把这负面信息带给了公众。结果,他们的职业生涯就结束了,再也不能出现在屏幕上。年轻人是一个国家的未来,但是他们很容易被犯罪行为所诱惑。他们想尝试新事物,违反法律。尝试毒品是不明智的,因为它很难戒掉。如果没有坚强的意志,生活将会被毁灭。我们应该远离毒品。


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