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Since the 1990s, the world has changing very fast. Especially the technology, it goes through our life all the time, such as the ofo, the E-merce and the online payment. For our parent's generation, most of them don't know much about the technology, so they face a lot of difficulties. As the young generation, we are lucky to have access to the technology and know how to use these advanced products to facilitate our life. The fast development brings great chance, but at the same time, it also means the challenges. It requires the young generation to keep pace with the world, so they need to know more about the world. The knowledge from books is not enough. They need to be equipped with some skills so as to get used to the changing world. The skillful person is always wanted.从19世纪20年代以来,世界变化很快,特别是科技方面,它渗透着我们的生活。如共享单车、电子商务和在线支付。对我们父母这一代来说,大多数人不太了解科技,所以他们面临很多的困难。作为年轻一代,我们很幸运接触到科技,知道如何使用这些先进的产品来方便我们的生活。快速的发展带来了巨大的机会,但与此同时,这也意味着挑战。它要求年轻一代跟上世界的步伐,所以他们需要更多地了解世界。从书本上学习的知识是不够的,他们需要配备一些技能,以适应不断变化的世界。拥有技术的人总是被需要的。


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