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经典英文电影台词《Forrest Gump》

1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)

2. Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)

3. Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生)

4. Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.(我和珍妮形影不离)

5. Have you given any thought to your future?(你有没有为将来打算过呢)

6. You just stay away from me please.(求你离开我)

7. If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away. (你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开)

8. It made me look like a duck in water.(它让我如鱼得水)

9. Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事)

10. I was messed up for a long time.(这些年我一塌糊涂)

11. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.(我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘扬.

We're going to go ahead and make your day.


Go ahead and make my day!

Make my day: 使我充实,使我高兴

Gee,thanks. You make my day.


Because we're here on behalf of the American Film Institute to honor the 100 greatest movie quotes in American film. These are lines born on a blank page-- the writer gives them life and an actor gives them a voice. But it's you who ultimately embraces them and adopts them as your own.


Movie quotes capture something special about a film. Something we often want to share with our closest friends. It's like a secret language for those of us who have seen the movie. A special... Bond, you might say.


There are some quotes, though, that allow us all to be in the club. They are quoted and re-quoted so often, and by so many, that they become part of a language we all share. And that's why we're here tonight, to find out from all the phrases in American film, which is the greatest and why.

To find the answer, the AFI rounded up the usual suspects, filmmakers and scholars from across the land, to vote on the possibilities.

“The Usual Suspects”惯常嫌犯——也是一部1995年的电影。

And tonight, we winnow them down to 100, and finally to number one.


winnow: 吹开糠皮, 吹掉, 精选

So, pour yourself a martini -- you know how I like it-- and toast the writer, for tonight, the writer is king, and it's good to be the king. Which brings us to number 100.


Tonight, movie lovers, we're talking to you. We're going to make you an offer you can't refuse.

今晚,电影爱好者们,我在和你说话。我们将会给你一个无法拒绝的出价。We're going to make you an offer you can't refuse. 这是一个双关语,套用了电影《教父》里边马龙?白兰度的一句著名台词。

Make an offer: 出价,提出条件


NO.1 Forrest Gump

7. If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away.(你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开)

11. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.(我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡)




Tomorrow is another day.


Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.


"Bond. James Bond."


Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get."

Mother: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could.

Jenny: Are you stupid or something?

Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does.


"I'll be back!"


We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I've wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps.


“My family first”


I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you.

Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it?


"There's no place like home."


Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.


It’s not the men in your life that counts,it’s the life in your men.


Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?


I could dance with you’till the cows come home.On second thoughts,I’d rather dance with the cows’ till you came home.


Gimme a visky with ale on the side——and don’t be stinchy,baby.


The end ,is only the beginning.

16.《 Phenomenon》

“ Will you love me for the rest of my life?”

“ No, I'll love you for the rest of mine.”


If there's any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone or sharing something。


--I thought you were gone.

--Without you,never


Never let anyone know what you are thinking.


Jim: Michelle, you're the one woman I want to be with and the woman I can't be without. I love you !

Michelle: Jim, I have trouble finding the words to tell you how I feel and I realize something. Love isn't just a feeling, Love is something you do. It's a dress, a visit to bandcamp, a speacial haircut. Jim you've give me everything I've ever wanted and It's my solemn vow to give everything I am to you.






Starsky:Nothing harder to solve than a floater. No prints, body usually bloated. It's next to impossible.

Hutchinson:All right, I say we push it out. Hope the current takes it to the next precinct.

Starsky:Hey, stop it.

Hutchinson:You gotta be very ginger.


Hutchinson:You point a gun at me? Okay. Fine, have it your way. Knock yourself out.

Starsky:All right, I'm just gonna call in the meat wagon.




经典电影对白:当幸福来敲门(The pursuit of Happiness)

1. Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.


2. Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you cannot do it.


3. Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!


4. I'm the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer,.

我是这样的人,如果你问的问题我不知道答案,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但 我向你保证:我知道如何寻找答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。

经典电影对白:阿甘正传(Forrest Gump)

1. Life was like a box of chocolate ,you never know what you're gonna get.


2. There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Where they've been .


3.You are no different than anybody else is.你和别人没有任何的不同

4.Ain't I going to be me?我不能成为我自己么(真实的,本色的自我)?

5.That is the outstanding answer I've ever heard.那是我听过的最佳的回答.

6.Nothing just happens, it's all part of a plan.没有事情随随便便发生,都是计划的一部分。




Troy: Callbacks the same time as the game?

Gabriella: And the scholastic decathlon.

Tylar: Why would they do that?

Chad: I smell a rat named Darbus.

Kelsi: I think two rats, neither named Darbus.

Chad: Do you know something about this, small person?

Kelsi: Miss Darbus thinks she's protecting the show, but Ryan and Sharpay are only concerned with protecting themselves.

Chad: Do you know what I'll do to those two show dogs?

Troy: Nothing, We're not gonna do anything to them. Except to sing, maybe. Now this is only gonna happen if we all work together. Now who's in?

Guys: You know I'm in.











【解析】: smell a rat

smell a rat字面的意思是“闻到一只老鼠”,解释为“认为有什么事情不不对劲”,尤其是用在觉得有人暗中作祟的


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