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"Roosters lay eggs" - Spring Festival Evening Show sketch lines SONG Dan-dan: daughter-in-law at home to guests, and the entire dish were hard. You which podcasts were recorded at the end? Cattle: Units in various places are broadcast. SONG Dan-dan: Units place nice, do not put CCTV broadcast, non-靠谱(laughter). Last year I came back from the central Taiwan, and that guy, all the way back the words you, what干啥compensation (laughter). Cattle: Mother to you to take photographs. SONG Dan-dan: I do not like according to him. Cattle: to give your sub-heads, the old black (Zhao Benshan right from the stage play, a warm round of applause). Cattle: the audience hello friends, now we stand behind black clouds are the twocelebrities, at their home shortly before the great wonders happen. Their home a rooster lay eggs even. (Zhao Benshan撒腿就跑, SONG Dan-dan to keep up with) Zhao Benshan:老婆子your mouth with cotton waistband sounds like, SONG Dan-dan: how the? Zhao Benshan: So loose it! Zhao Benshan: rooster lay eggs at咱家happened, that does not mean that I am pregnant with others of a kind (laughter). SONG Dan-dan: I counted, one, two ... ... Zhao Benshan: Are you a lifetime of several 123. SONG Dan-dan: I Say you want to start with you. Cattle: to begin recording programs. Zhao Benshan: the last book, still owes money to the cost of 20,000 people. Cattle: (money) This is the pre-paid for services rendered. SONG Dan-dan: Do you want to know the details, please log in Baiyun blog points Durian point com. Cattle: Mother yesterday also opened this blog? SONG Dan-dan: I now have a celebrity book. Cattle: WillMother lay eggs before the rooster sign of what he did? Zhao Benshan: No signs. SONG Dan-dan: there is a sign, there is a sign,咋能no sign of it? Chickens lay eggs before say there is indeed a sign, and signs of obvious that the most important are changes in the production of facial expressions. Zhao Benshan: chicken first laughed. (We all laughed) cattle: (Laughter) Please


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