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有这么几句蛮经典的… 第4集,拉斐尔和一个带曲棍球面具的家伙被人围困了,然后其他复三个赶来的制时候那个带面具的问,他们是你的朋友?“他们是我的兄弟”“这我看的出来”米开朗基罗 插嘴说到:“我是最bai漂亮的一个!”。。。。。。 神龟的大结局里 米开朗基罗获得了宇宙冠军 拉斐尔很不服气 讲了一句什么话本人记不清了 然后米开朗基罗说du:"拉斐尔 别忘了 我还踢到过你的屁股!" 施莱德的反击(zhi下)》 神龟,老鼠还有女记者在楼上被一群大脚忍者围困,米开朗基罗迅速打开门喊:“女士们,先生们,大老鼠和乌dao龟们,请迅速到达最近的出口!!”


If this is our last moment together,

I just want you guys to know I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I was so hard on you.

Every time I pushed you, I threatened you,

I yelled at you, I pushed you beyond your limits,

it was because I believe in you!

I believe in each one of you!

I believe in your spirit and your intelligence

and your potential.

And every time I talked about walking away,

it was because I was scared!

I just didn*t think I was good enough

to stand next to you

and call you brothers and say to you

I love you!

I love you guys so much!


只能给你个介绍了,因为的确是没有~~~就能帮你这么多了介绍一: Strange events are occurring in New York City, and the Turtles are needed more than ever, but Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo have become lost and directionless. With the city at stake, it's up to Leonardo and Zen Master Splinter to restore unity and ninja discipline to the Turtles. Written by Anonymous 介绍二: After the defeat of their old arch nemesis, The Shredder, the Turtles have grown apart as a family. Struggling to keep them together, their sensei, Master Splinter, becomes worried when strange things brewing in New York City. Tech-industrialist tycoon Max Winters revives four ancient stone warriors and enlists the help of the foot clan to help capture ancient monsters. Written by fortyfourhundred







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