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Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have is raging inside us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are and we can always choose to do what's right.


A cold fusion of two universal elements,

identical in weight, equal in force.

United they stand.

A union like none other.

The un-splittable atom of American politics.


蜘蛛侠3这局台词的英文是啥啊? 好心人求解答啊!






Harry: M.J. Would you stop goofing around?

M.J.: Harry, relax!

Harry: He's here.

Aunt: Are you ready?

Osburn: Aunt May. I'm sorry, I'm late. Work was a murder. I picked up a fruitcake.

Aunt: Thank you, Mr. Osburn. We're so glad you could come.

Harry: You look great.

M.J.: Thanks.

Osburn: Who is this lovely young lady?

Harry: M.J., I'd like you to meet my father, Norman Osburn. Dad, this is Mary Jane Watson.

M.J.: Hi.

Osburn: How do you do? I've been looking forward to meeting you.

M.J.: Happy Thanksgiving, sir.

Aunt: Where is Peter? He'd better have remembered that cranberry sauce.

Harry: Oh, that's weird. I didn't know he was here.

Aunt: Peter? Peter? Is that you?

Osburn: Peter?

Aunt: How strange! There's nobody here.

Osburn: Bit of slob, isn't he?

Aunt: All the brilliant men are.

Peter: Hi, everyone. Sorry, I was late. It's a jungle out there. Had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries.

Aunt: Thank you, now everybody, sit down and we can say grace.

Osburn: Parker.

Aunt: Here we go.

M.J.: Oh, it looks delicious.

Aunt: Norman? Will you do the honors?

Aunt: Why? Peter! You are bleeding.

Peter: Oh, yeah, I stepped off a curb and got clipped by one of those bike messengers.

Aunt: Let me see. Oh, my goodness! That looks awful.

Peter: It's nothing.

Aunt: I'll get the first aid kit. Then we will say the grace. This is the boys' first Thanksgiving here and we are going to do things properly.

Osburn: How did you say this happend?

Peter: Bike messenger. Knocked me down.

Osburn: If you'll excuse me, I've got to be going.

Harry: What? Why?

Osburn: Something has come to my attention.

Harry: Are you all right?

Osburn: I'm fine, just fine. Thank you Mrs. Parker. Everyone, enjoy the fruitcake


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