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-Where do you think van gogh

rates in the history of art?

-Well,Big question.

But,To me, van gogh is the finest

painter of them all.

Certainly, the most popular,

great painter of all time,The most beloved.

His command of colour the most magnificent.

He transformed the pain of his tormented life into ecstatic beauty.

Pain is easy to portray,But to use your passion and

pain to portray the ecstasy And joy and magnificence of our world-

No-One had ever done it before.Perhaps no-One ever will again.

Who roamed the fields of provence was not only the world's greatest artist,But also One of the greatest men who ever lived.

The way i see it, every life

is a pile of good things And bad things.

The good things Don't always soften the bad things.

But, vice versa- The bad things don't necessarily

spoil the good things Or make them unimportant.



偷书不偷齐全,你还以为书里的警示和视频开头的FBI Waring作用一样,只是用来吓唬你的吗?



1. 你的秘密比他们任何人的都多。

2. I know it's not ordinary. But who ever lovedordinary?我知道这不寻常。但是有谁喜欢平庸呢?

3. No one normal could have done that. Do you know, this morning...I was ona train that went through a city that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you. Ibought a ticket from a man who would likely be dead if it wasn't for you. I readup on my work...a whole field of scientific inquiry that only exists because ofyou.

4. Are you a bleeding pacifist?你是和平主义者吗?I'm agnostic aboutviolence.我是暴力不可知论者。

5. 你不会是完美的丈夫,我也没想成为一个完美的妻子。

6. 我们对彼此而言,比其他人更了解对方。

7. You know why people like violence? It’s because it feels good. Sometimeswe can’t do what feels good. We have to do what islogical.你知道人们为什么喜欢诉诸暴力么?因为用暴力宣泄很爽快,但有时候我们不能让感情战胜理智。我们要三次而后行。

8. 有时候正是人们以为的无用之人,成就无人感想之事。

9. 我不是一个人 从未。

10. -They only beat me up because I’m smatter than they are.-No, they beatyou up because you’re different.-他们揍我只是因为我比他们聪明。-不是,他们揍你是因为你很独特。

11. Who will fall in love with ordinary?谁会爱上普通?

12. -你不是上帝,你没有决定权-不,我有。-为什么?-因为别人都没有这个能力奇异博士经典台词

13. This isn’t about crossword puzzles. It’s about how one approachessolving an impossible problem. Do you take the whole thing at once or divide itinto small。这不仅仅是个填字游戏这么简单。还包括一个人怎样去解决一个不可能的问题。你是用整体法解决呢?还是分成一个个小的。

14. Hardest time to lie to somebody is when they’re expecting to be liedto. If someone’s waiting for a lie, you can’t just give themone.撒谎最煎熬的时候就是明知道别人在等你撒谎的时候。如果别人在等着你撒谎。你不能只是给他们制造一个谎言。

15. 有时正是无人看好之人,成就了无人敢想之事。

16. 不懂你的人为你的成就喝采,懂你的人为你的付出心疼。Those who don't understand you cheer at yoursuccess, those who do are saddened by the price you paid.

17. Sometimes it is the very people who no one imagines anything of , whodo the things that no one can imagine.有时候,正是那些人们认为的无用之人,成就了无人所成之事。

18. Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do thethings that no one can imagine.「有时候,被世人遗弃的人,才能成就别人想像不到的大事。」


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