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超人总动员台词【谁有《超人总动员》那部动画片的英文对白 贴过来呗】

谁有《超人总动员》那部动画片的英文对白 贴过来呗

1. Edna:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.

2. Bob:[yelling] Yeah, baby!

Lucius:We're gonna get caught.

Bob:Fire! Yeah!

3. [as the cops burst into the jewelry store where Bob and Lucius are, Lucius reaches for a water cooler to replenish his freezing powers]


Lucius:I'm thirsty.

Lucius:I said freeze!

Cop:I'm just getting a drink.

[takes the cup to his lips and drinks]

Cop:Okay, you had your drink. Now, I want you to...

Lucius:I know, I know. Freeze.

[freezes the cop]

4. Gilbert Huph:I'm not happy, Bob. Not happy. Ask me why.

Bob:Okay. Why?

Gilbert Huph:Why what? Be specific.

Bob:Why are you unhappy?

Gilbert Huph:Your customers make me unhappy.

Bob:Have you gotten complaints?

Gilbert Huph:Complaints I can handle. What I can't handle is your customers' sudden knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings. They're experts! Experts, Bob! Exploiting every loophole! Dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating the bureaucracy!

5. Mirage:The supers are not gone. You're still here, Mr. Incredible. You can still do great things. Or you can sit all night listening to police reports. Your choice.

6. Syndrome:[after the plane is shot down] Aw, you'll get over it. I seem to recall you like to work alone.

[laughs maniacally; Mr. Incredible tries to catch him, but Mirage pushes Syndrome out of the way and is captured]

Mr. Incredible:Release me, now!

Syndrome:Or what?

Mr. Incredible:I'll crush her.

Syndrome:That sounds a little dark for you. All right, go ahead.

[Mirage gasps]

Mr. Incredible:It'll be easy, like breaking a toothpick.

Syndrome:[chuckles] Show me.

[after a tense few moments, Mr. Incredible lets go of Mirage]

Syndrome:I knew you wouldn't do it, even when you have nothing to lose. You're weak, and I've outgrown you.

7. Helen:Of course I have a secret identity. I mean, do you see me at the supermarket wearing this? Who wants to go shopping as Elastigirl, know what I'm saying?

8. Syndrome:You, sir, truly are Mr. Incredible. I was right to idolize you. I knew you were tough, but eluding the probe by hiding behind the bones of another super? I'm still geeking out about it!


Syndrome:And then you had to go and ruin the ride. I mean, Mr. Incredible calling for help?

[Mocking voice]

Syndrome:Oh, help me! Help me! Lame, lame, lame, lame, *lame*!

9. Edna:Men at Bob's age are unstable, prone to weakness.

Helen:What are you saying?

Edna:Do you know where he is?

Helen:Of course...

Edna:Do you *know* where he is?

10. Elastigirl:Let go of me, you lousy, lying, unfaithful creep.

Mr. Incredible:How can I betray the perfect woman?

Elastigirl:Oh, you're referring to *me* now?

11. [Mirage releases Mr. Incredible from his restraints and rushes over to him]

Mirage:There isn't much time.

[Mr. Incredible grabs her by the throat]

Mr. Incredible:No, there isn't.

[He stands up and holds her in the air]

Mr. Incredible:In fact, there's no time at all.

Mirage:[Choking] Please.

Mr. Incredible:Why are you here? How can you *possibly* bring me lower? What *more* can you take away from me?

Mirage:[Choking] You're family... survived the crash. They're here... on the island.

Mr. Incredible:They're alive?

12. [Bob sneaks into the house late at night, but Helen has been waiting up for him]

Helen:I thought you'd be back by 11.

Bob:I said I'd be back later.

Helen:I assumed you'd be back later. If you came back at all, you'd be back "later".

Bob:Well I'm back, okay?

13. Syndrome:[during his fixed fight with the Omnidroid] Somebody needs to teach this hunk of metal... a few manners!

14. [Syndrome captures a fuel truck in mid-air with his zero-point energy beam]

Voice in crowd #1:The Supers have returned!

Voice in crowd #2:Is that Fironic?

Voice in crowd #3:Fironic?

Voice in crowd #4:No, Fironic has a different outfit!

15. Syndrome:This isn't the end of it! I will get your son eventually! I will get your son!

16. [the Incredibles enter their house to find Syndrome holding Jack-Jack. Syndrome paralyses them with his immbobi-ray before they can make another move]

Syndrome:Shhh. The baby's sleeping.

[Syndrome gets up with Jack-Jack still in his arms, preparing to leave]

Syndrome:You took away my future. I'm simply returning the favor. Oh, don't worry. I'll be a good mentor: supportive, encouraging.

[Syndrome glares at Mr. Incredible]

Syndrome:Everything you *weren't*. And in time, who knows? He might make a good sidekick.

17. Mr. Incredible:You mean you killed off real heroes so that you could *pretend* to be one?

Syndrome:Oh, I'm real all right. Real enough to defeat you! And I did it without your precious gifts. Your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics the world has ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that *everyone* can have powers. *Everyone* can be Super! And when everyone's Super... no one will be.

18. [a captured Mr. Incredible is begging Syndrome to call off the attack on Helen's jet]

Mr. Incredible:No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything!

Syndrome:Too late! 15 years too late.

19. Kari:[on phone message] Hi, this is Kari, sorry for freakin' out but your baby has *special needs*.

20. Dash:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf.

21. [going through an identification process]

Edna:Edna Mode...

[laser guns point at Elastigirl]

Edna:...and guest.

[laser guns retract]

22. Bob:[yelling to Helen as she holds up the RV] How ya doin', honey?

Helen:[screaming back] Do I have to answer?

23. Helen:Now our kids are in trouble?

Bob:Well, if you suspected danger, why did you bring them?

Helen:I didn't bring them! They stowed away! And I don't think you're striking the proper tone here!

24. [to her panicking children, having just survived a plane crash]

Helen:Stop it, both of you! We are not going to die! Now, you will both get a grip or so help me, I'll ground you for a month. Understand?

25. [In the RV, traveling to the mainland]

Dash:Are we there yet?

Bob:We get there when we get there!

26. Dash:Are we there yet?

27. Little Boy on Tricycle:[after witnessing a huge explosion] That was totally wicked!

28. Buddy:[about his newest Omnidroid] It's bigger. It's badder. Ladies and gentlemen, it's too much for Mr. Incredible!

29. [repeated line]


30. Helen:You're in charge until I get back, Violet.


Violet:You heard her.

31. [repeated line]


32. Bob:[to Buddy] You're not affiliated with me!

33. Bob:You know I'm retired from hero work.

Edna:As am I, Robert, yet here we are.

34. Edna:What are you talking about? You are Eliasti-girl! My god! Pull yourself together! 'What will you do?' Is this a question? You will show him that you remember that he's Mr. Incredible, and you will remind him who *you* are. You know where he is, go and cofront the problem. Fight. Win! And do call me when you get back, Darling. I enjoy our visits.

35. Oliver Sansweet's Lawyer:Mr. Sansweet didn't asked to be saved. Mr. Sansweet didn't want to be saved. And the injuries received from Mr.Incredible's "actions," so-called, causes him daily pain.

Bob:[lunging towards Sansweet] Hey, I saved your life!

Oliver Sansweet:You didn't save my life, you ruined my death, that's what you did!

36. Lucius:Superladies, they're always trying to tell you their secret identity. Think it'll strengthen the relationship, or something like that. I say: girl, I don't want to know about your mild-mannered alter ego. You say that you're a... Ultra Mega Lightning Babe or somet






Mr.Incredible and Elastigirl:We are superheros ,what can happen?


Dash Parr:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf.

Dash Parr:要是有托尼肉糕她一定会吃。

Dash Parr:That was the best vacation ever! I love our family.

Dash Parr:这真是一个最棒的假期!我爱我的家!

Frozone:We look like bad guys. Incompetent bad guys!


Edna 'E' Mode:[to Mr. Incredible] My God, you've gotten fat.

Edna 'E' Mode:(说超能先生)老天爷啊,你可发福了。

Edna 'E' Mode:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.

Edna 'E' Mode:超级名模,哼,就那么回事儿!不过是一群烫发涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。

Mr. Incredible: No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything!


Syndrome: Too late! 15 years too late.


Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness. And disregarding it is not strength.



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