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不再沉默 SPEAK 9到12分钟的英文字幕或台词


Mr. Freeman: Hi everybody! Welcome to Art. *The* only class that will teach you how to survive. This is where you can find your soul, if you dare. Don’t ask me to show you how to draw a face. Ask me to help you find the wind.

Mr. Freeman: Can anybody tell me what this is?

[holds up a smashed globe]

Ivy: A globe?

Mr. Freeman: A Globe? Gosh… What’re you guys? 13? 14? You already let them beat the creativity outta you?… It's ok. I used to let my daughters kick this around my studio when it was too wet too play outside. And one day Jenny put her foot right through Texas and the entire United States crumbled into the sea. I mean, you could, you could *paint* a wet muzzled dog… chewing Alaska! The possibilities are endless. It's almost too much but you all are important enough to give it too.

Mr. Freeman: In here is a piece of paper and on that piece of paper is a word. You are gonna spend the rest of the year turning that object into art.

Ivy: Uh, Mr Freeman? When I was little I was really scared of clowns and I don’t wanna relapse and have to go back into therapy.

Mr. Freeman: Oh yeah, well, fear is a great place to begin art.

[Melinda picks a piece of paper that says "tree" and tries to put it back]

Mr. Freeman: Hey! Whoa. You just chose your destiny. You can’t change that.

Melinda Sordino: I learned how to draw a tree in like the 2nd grade.

Mr. Freeman: Oh really? Um. Well, do you wanna show me? It's OK. I won’t grade you.

[he hands her the chalk and she sulks up to the blackboard and very hesitantly draws a really pathetic tree]

Mr. Freeman: That's a pretty good start. Yeah, let's see what it looks like at the end of the year.


鲁迅曾说:“不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡”。这句话反过来亦然。一个人生活在自己幻想的世界,犹如温室里的花朵,需要悉心呵护。倘若离开呵护人,揭开了抵挡暴风雨的保护罩,随着时间的推移,多半会被外面的世界给摧残殆尽。是的,当现实的残酷给你重重一击时,第一反应会是:沮丧,接着会逃避,逃到自己认为舒适的区域(以为这样就可以不用面对)。第二次被现实打击到的时候,相对第一次的反应,在情绪上会变得更加暴躁、低沉、萎靡不振,如果不逼迫自己认清现实、接受现实,迎来的会是更惨烈的“认知冲击”,这时候你会怀疑你曾经信奉的一切,慢慢变得固执、不再相信生活依然有美好的存在、不再对未来抱有希望…… 此时,就是走在灭亡的路上,倘若外界再对你使一把力,你走到悬崖口的速度会变得更快!走向悬崖口的途中,心中并不是那么平静的视死如归,你的内心会经历一系列复杂的情绪,会不甘心自己的遭遇,会反复问自己怎么走到这种可怕的地步,会回想曾经天真无邪的时光(如果可以一直保持天真该有多好),会抱怨身边的人和事,甚至会怨恨他们施加在你身上的责骂或压力…… 所有这一切的内心对白,都让自己的感受更加难受。如果一直陷在这种负面的思维当中,不尝试着跳出自我,那结果可想而知,便在沉默中走向灭亡。生存是一个人的本能,那么在什么情况下,人会丧失这种本能呢?丧失求生欲呢?


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